My campus life is very busy. becaus Ihave a many part time job. I work in japanese bar and TKU.
TKU is television company. In japanese bar, I make drink and desert and serve foods and drink.
Japanese bar is very busy. So when I come home, I was very tired. Moreever,part time finish time is very very late. So I go to bed time is 3 o'clock. So it is hard to get up early morning.But japanese bar is very fun!!!!!!! Because I meet many kinds customar. I can listen to many funny story from them. It is very rewarding.
Another one is TKU. I help cameraman. (camera asistant) I am sound man. It is very difficult. I must remembar many kind machine. It is very expensive. So I use it very care fully . but I can meet TV personality and singer and comedian. Forexample, Ken Hirai, Koriki, Regular, Seiko Matuda, ogacchi, Rina Katayama, Kouhei Takamura and so on. and I am able to eat delicious foods.
It is very lucky!!!!!!!!!!
Part time holiday is group activities, I belong to Bowling club. It is very fun . Everyone close friend near the family!!!! We often drinking . Our drinking party is very hard. It is natural to hangover.
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